Friday, April 25, 2008

Sadie--the baby model

No, I didn't go to a Gap casting call. My friend Ana, who used to be a product designer at Resto, is using her time more wisely developing product for herself--it's a little changing mat for Moms on the go. Sadie was the baby model for her website and my friend Susannah's daughter Zoey was the toddler model.
As to the latest--I am a bit frustrated.
I had a doctor appointment last Wednesday which was a total waste of time. I met with my plastic surgeon again, where he went over the surgery, again. Not sure why I needed him to draw me his rudimentary sketch of breasts and where he will cut, again. Or learn about the expanders and the magnet and the cadaver (oh yes, cadaver) skin they have to use to complete the procedure again.
Next Wednesday I have the big pre-op appointment. Blood tests, imaging tests. It's an all day affair. Thank God for my neighbor Linda who not only will take care of Sadie, but enjoys it while I traipse off to the Breast Cancer Center for a day of medical fun.
As the day of surgery becomes closer and closer on the calendar I am getting more and more freaked out--about the pain mainly. I used to have a great threshold for pain. In fact, I used to really be proud that I could get needles stuck in to me without flinching. Watch blood shoot in to little plastic vials from my arm without feeling the least big queasy. It was kind of my thing. My ability to not complain while I got poked, prodded and shot up. You would think with the amount of poking, prodding and shooting I have been getting lately, my threshold would have increased, but instead, it's done the opposite. It's like my body has gone in to this state of hypersensitivity. Just the thought of a needle, a knife, stitches, expanders, the whole kit and kaboodle is making me feel sick. Which I am. Sick with Cancer. And they have to cut it out, which will save my life. So, I just need to shut up.
Pics above:
1. Sadie being a model.
2. My neighbor Linda-it occurred to me I have never posted a photo of her. She's awesome. It's not lost on me that her name is Linda (my mom's name) and in some ways, she is like a grandmother to Sadie.

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