I mentioned before that Sadie had a brother. Greg's son from a previous marriage (from a long time ago), Jeffrey. When I met him he was 17 and I was 22. It's a bit strange to have been born in the same decade as your boyfriend's son. It was weirdest when Jeff and I would be on the same side of arguments--for example Pearl Jam was a good band and Guns and Roses weren't totally devoid of musical contribution. Little did I know then (but I sure know now) that only the Beatles, specifically Paul McCartney, even come close to Greg's musical standards. But boy did Jeff and I sure try to make him see differently.
Small digression: the other name besides Sadie Wren that Greg was REALLY pushing for was McCartney Rose. He almost wore me down too. We even had a tally going on the white board in the labor in delivery room and all the nurses voted. Sadie won by a landslide though truly I got my name because I spent three days in labor. After three days of labor, any woman should get whatever it is they want.
Now Jeff is married (to Erin) with three kids of his own, which by the way have GREAT names. The oldest is India James. She's five and a total chatterbox. We have the best conversations. Sometimes I think I forget I am talking to a five year old. Then there is Isla Joy who is three and super afraid of Frida. I have a soft spot for Isla because she is the middle like me, but I sure hope she gets over her dog phobia before the next visit because poor Frida does not like to be away from the action and I have to wipe a ton of paw prints off our living room window that she left while pleading to be let back in to the house. Isreal Jeffrey is the little man and he is SUCH a little man. Totally fearless. He absolutely LOVED Sadie and would look at me holding her, point and say, "Satie. Satie".
So, Sadie is an Aunt and it's not lost on me that Aunt Sadie sounds like a little old lady with a tight bun of gray hair. But then again, Grandma Rose (that's what the kids call me) isn't any better!
Pics Above
1. The Moors family at the Discovery Bay Museum in Sausalito. Jeff's got Sadie in the Baby Bjorn. So cute!
2. Jeff and Sadie--meeting for the first time.
3. Jeff, Sadie and India
4. Sadie, Isreal and India
5. Erin, Isla and Sadie
Wow! All the Moors. What a great photo. Sounds like good times. I miss a week of Sadie and she looks like she got bigger and more alert. I can't miss another week.
Oh my GOD. It's like overnight transformation.
Absolutely--this Thursday it's an Amber and Sadie day.
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