Besides a place to vent, free think and get feedback, my blog has done a great thing of bringing me closer to some distant family members I had little or no contact with before. It's been a little bridge where we can meet in the middle.
One family member in particular, Annie, a distant cousin that we managed to distill down to the fact that her great grandmother is my great great grandmother (I think? I just checked her blog and she's calling us third cousins, once removed and she seems pretty smart, so I'll go with it), was in town and we got our kids together at the Playdate Cafe in San Anselmo. Her and her husband Bill live in LA. He's is a documentary film editor and she's a TV writer. Very Cool.
Her daughter Caroline is the exact same age as Sadie. Exact. Like born on the same day. How weird is that?
Nina and Amara met us too and we let them loose in this little padded play area just for babies.
Amara scooted. Caroline crawled about. Sadie sat. So much fun.
Was hard to get any pictures of them together. They were like squirmy little worms.
Well not all of them. Sadie was more like a sweet little slug.
It was a short visit since they were headed home that day. I hope we meet up again because I really value family, and feeling like mine has dwindled in the last few years. I wish that I had it in me to have a ton of kids (like more money, time, a bigger house, a younger husband--no fault of his own, just the way it is), but I don't think it's going to happen. Hoping Caroline and Sadie forge a relationship that lasts (yes, up to me and Annie for now!).
Check here and here for more photos.
1 comment:
so many sweet babies, I love it.
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